NTUST Research Team's Poster on Guided Concolic Execution for IoT Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities Accepted by NDSS Symposium 2024
The NTUST research team had their poster, "Discovering Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices through Guided Concolic Execution", accepted by the NDSS Symposium (Network and Distributed System Security) 2024. This achievement highlights the team's innovative research capabilities in cybersecurity.
As IoT devices become increasingly prevalent, authentication bypass vulnerabilities have become critical security concerns. To address this, the NTUST team proposed an innovative concolic execution framework focusing on uncovering IoT device vulnerabilities with HTTP services. By integrating symbolic execution and concrete execution, the framework enhances the efficiency and accuracy of vulnerability exploration. Experimental results demonstrate that this method not only outperforms state-of-the-art systems in execution efficiency but also identifies a more significant number of potentially vulnerable paths. The study highlights the framework's significant potential as a powerful tool for IoT device security analysis.
Source : https://www.ndss-symposium.org/ndss2024/accepted-posters/